Over the past decade, coal power use in the European Union (EU) has fallen by…
Yesterday, January 21, 2025, the Sabin Center filed an amicus brief on behalf of the…
While the primary focus of tackling climate change is on carbon dioxide (CO2), a group…
Getty Images On the evening of the second inauguration of President Trump, the White House…
2024年对中国的能源和气候发展而言是重要的一年。二氧化碳(CO2)排放量增长全年都徘徊在2023年水平附近,这使得中国在2030年前实现碳达峰的可能性增加。 中国可再生能源的快速发展将煤电占比推至历史最低水平,同时全国碳市场覆盖的行业范围也进一步扩大。 上微信关注《碳简报》 在全球层面,中国在阿塞拜疆巴库举办的COP29联合国气候谈判上发挥了重要作用。然而,由于中美贸易关系日趋紧张,此前给全球气候行动带来希望的两国合作受到威胁。 在即将上任的特朗普政府的领导下,美国在气候谈判中的影响力预计将减弱,因此中国在气候雄心方面的表态——例如其计划在2025年发布的国际气候承诺——将成为决定国内外脱碳进程速度的重要因素。 Carbon Brief向10位顶尖专家询问了他们对中国未来一年的期待。他们的回答已经过编辑,以保证简洁明了。 杨木易博士(Dr Muyi Yang) Ember高级电力政策分析师 2025年,中国需要在保持经济增长与推进脱碳议程之间找到微妙的平衡。要实现这一平衡,不仅需要扩大风能、太阳能和储能等可再生能源的规模,还需要对长期以来在中国能源安全和经济活动中占据核心地位的煤电进行重大转型。 这不仅仅是关闭少数几家燃煤电厂那么简单,而是要处理好煤电生态系统衰退所带来的更广泛的紧张关系和冲突。这些影响将波及电企、物流公司、采矿企业、设备制造商以及煤化工行业,以及围绕它们建立的社会经济体系。 随着中国临近关键的转折点——预计在2026年开始的“十五五规划”内实现煤炭消费的绝对减少——中国现在就需开始为这一转型进行规划。在维护经济稳定、确保能源安全和履行气候承诺的同时,成功驾驭这一复杂过程将是中国在2025年及以后取得成功的关键。 林伯强教授(Prof…
As I write this, wildfires in LA County continue to rage out of control. My…
Welcome to Carbon Brief’s DeBriefed. An essential guide to the week’s key developments relating to climate…
The rate at which atmospheric CO2 is increasing is now outpacing the pathways set out…
Droughts spanning multiple years have become drier, hotter and more frequent over the past 40…
Welcome to Carbon Brief’s Cropped. We handpick and explain the most important stories at the intersection…
The year 2024 was marked by violence and elections, as conflicts escalated around the world…
Carbon Brief is seeking a skilled data analyst to support our award-winning journalism. You’ll help…
More than a dozen wildfires have been sweeping through Los Angeles in California, consuming tens…
Welcome to Carbon Brief’s DeBriefed. An essential guide to the week’s key developments relating to climate…
Last year was the hottest the Earth has experienced since the start of global temperature…
The UK’s right-leaning newspapers have unleashed a huge wave of editorials attacking energy secretary Ed…
Welcome to Carbon Brief’s China Briefing. China Briefing handpicks and explains the most important climate…
Late last year, members of the international community convened in London to discuss issues relating…